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How Do Film Editors Send Videos When Working Remotely?

Sending large video files is the main challenge faced by the film editors who choose to work remotely. The solution has been found - check it out!

The pandemic forced many employees to work from home to help minimize the spread. Although this wasn’t easy, it helped many realize the benefits of working remotely. Movie editors are among the top professions that adapted really well to the unexpected change. However, many of them can’t figure out how to quickly and effectively transfer large videos after editing.

If you are here, you’re probably stuck in the same situation. Luckily, today’s article will show you how to share large video files while working remotely as a freelance video editor. Keep reading.

What Do Film/Movie Editors Do?

These professionals play a huge role in post-production. They use their technical skills to efficiently combine camera footage, graphics, sound effects, and other special effects to produce a ready-to-publish video. Also, they collaborate with movie directors to ensure the final video meets the set standards.

Movie editors edit films in different stages since they must make various drafts before editing the final piece. This involves lots of footage, which is sent online since most video editors are freelancers.

Challenges That Remote Movie Editors Face

Remote movie editors might sound like they have it the easy way, but they don’t. This section discusses the most common challenges every film editor faces today and the best solutions to them.

How to share large video files

Sending Large Files

When editing a film, you deal with plenty of footage from different cameras, which consumes lots of space. Your computer might have enough storage to keep the footage, but the final version will still be huge to transfer. Dropbox and WeTransfer are some of the traditional means you could use to send videos.

Dropbox allows you to easily upload your files to the cloud through a desktop folder. You can then share the folder’s link with the recipient to access the uploaded files. Dropbox’s free plan lets you upload 2 GB of files, and you can send up to 3 TB with the paid professional version. 

Like Dropbox, WeTransfer is another user-friendly option that lets you upload files to the cloud and email a download link to the recipient. Its free version has a 2GB size limit, but the pro version allows you to send up to 200 GB of files.

Dropbox and WeTransfer are great options but might not work for most movie editors because of their size limits. Dropbox offers the biggest limit of 3 TB, which still might not be enough for movie editors.

However, all hope is not lost, as some file transfer services can reliably send huge videos. FileWhopper is among the best options for film editors to transfer videos online. This service stands out from the rest as it lets you send up to 10 TB at one go. Therefore, you don’t need to split your huge video into smaller clips.

The platform offers a user-friendly app to facilitate quick uploads. It works silently in the background and lets you pause and resume the upload as you please. Plus, if an emergency power outage occurs, the app automatically pauses the process, ensuring you don’t lose your progress. Once the process completes, the app automatically deletes itself from your computer.

If it’s your first video transfer with FileWhopper and it is under 5 GB, you won’t be charged. Furthermore, you only pay for the services you need. So, you won’t be forced to pay a monthly or annual subscription. You only pay when you need FileWhopper’s services.

The uploaded files are usually stored on FileWhopper’s servers for two weeks. However, you could pay a fee to extend the storage period if need be. The files are automatically deleted from the servers as soon as they are downloaded by the recipient.

Real-Time Collaboration

Face-to-face meetings with producers, directors and other editors were the norm before the pandemic. Right now, movie editors don’t have any choice but to use video conferencing apps, such as Zoom, to collaborate online. Conferencing apps are a great option as they allow you to get things done without meeting physically. Their screen-sharing feature makes it even easier to explain your progress and ideas to your team.

However, using these apps can also be challenging since every teammate uses a different Wi-Fi connection with varying speeds. Some people might experience lots of lag, making it hard to understand each other, thus delaying the post-production process.  

Fortunately, you can use a professional collaboration platform such as Evercast, which is specifically created for video editors. Evercast is a unique program that helps editors meet online and seamlessly work on the same project. It provides excellent video quality and takes time-stamped notes during the session.

Evercast eliminates lag, ensuring clear communication. Therefore, if you are looking for a remote collaboration program that does not interrupt your editing software, then Evercast could be a great fit. All you need is a strong internet connection, and you are good to go. That way, you can use both your video editing software and Evercast simultaneously without affecting your productivity.

Secure file transfer

Operating System Conflicts

With different operating systems to choose from, video editors pick what works best for them. This difference can sometimes cause issues since you might submit a video in a format that other operating systems don’t support. Luckily, you can use universal file formats to ensure everyone in your team can easily read the files. Or you could also look for advanced editing software that supports different formats.

File Security

When editing and submitting a film, you must ensure no unauthorized person sees any part of it. This can be even more sensitive if you edit popular shows that people would kill for to get spoilers. One of the best ways to minimize the risk is to deliver the movie using a hard disk. A hard disk is pretty secure when dealing with sensitive files since the content can’t be easily reached by hackers. It also reduces the need for third-party services that might increase the chances of being hacked.

If you must send the video remotely, then back it up first to an encrypted drive. Also, use secure sites (with HTTPS) to ensure cybercriminals can’t easily access any uploaded file.

FileWhopper applies different tactics to ensure maximum security and reliability for video editors sending crucial content. To provide secure file transfer, FileWhopper uses zero-knowledge encryption, which protects your files with a strong, unique password. The password is automatically generated by the app or is created by the user.

Files are transferred using unique transfer IDs and not their exact file names. That way, not even FileWhopper’s staff can see what you send. Right after getting the download link and password, the recipient can start downloading the file while you are still uploading it to help speed up the process.



Finding a reliable file transfer service to send large videos is usually tricky, especially if you don’t know where to look. Luckily, now you know how to send a large video using the safest and most reliable online tools. Therefore, ensure you check them out and see if they can help take your editing game to the next level.

However, if you still have any questions regarding the discussed methods, make sure to drop a comment below. Also, check out our blog for more detailed guides like this one.

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