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Safety Tips to Keep Your PC Secure

A very important and necessary step in protecting PC from cyber threats is having a good antivirus program installed. However, you should not rely just on antivirus software. We have collected a few tips that can help ensure that your PC never falls victim to cyber threats.

1. Install Windows updates

Install Windows updates to protect your computer from cyber threatsWe understand that it might be quite annoying to get notifications about the need to install Windows updates. It could be time consuming having to reboot your computer, but it really helps to keep your PC safe from malware. Many viruses get through to the hard drive because  they are designed to use vulnerabilities in the OS. You’ll be sure to get the latest security patches by regularly updating your computer’s operating system.

2. Safe browsing habits

Safe browsing habits protect your computer from cyber threats

Safe browsing habits mean not clicking on any suspicious links or not opening suspicious email messages. And remember not to download any files from sources with questionable reliability. There are some browser add-ons you could install that will rate website safety with a clear icon next to every link in your browser. For example, Web of Trust (WOT) could add assurance that you are clicking on a safe url.

3. Use Windows Firewall

Use Windows Firewall to protect your computer from cyber threats

The Windows Firewall is free and is most likely already installed on your computer. Go to the Advanced Settings and enable Windows Firewall to stop any suspicious traffic and to let you know that’s been done.

4. Use only trusted services for files transfer

If you need to send big files from one PC to another, make sure that you use only trusted and secure services. For example, you want to share big video or photo files from a significant event. Of course, you don’t want strangers to see your private files as they make their way to their intended recipient. So, how to send large video files the right way? Try using FileWhopper for this purpose. This service uses multi threaded data transfer technology at the highest possible file sending speed. And the most important part is that you can be assured of quick and secure file transfer.

5. Different user accounts

Use different user accounts to protect your computer from cyber threats

It is never a bad idea to create separate user accounts and limit rights. These accounts could be for your kids or other family members who might use your computer.

This approach will ensure that other people won’t make any potentially dangerous changes to your computer because they won’t be able to run any program that requires administrator privileges, which is what malware often requires for executing.

Always be very careful when your computer is used by kids. An important tip is to always run an antivirus that will stop any kind of suspicious pop-ups. so your kids won’t accidentally click on something bad. Make sure the shield is always up safeguarding your computer.

6. Scan all external data storage devices

Scan all external data storage devices to protect your computer from cyber threats

Malware may get onto your PC very easily when you connect an external data storage device. When you connect someone else’s USB drive, be aware of a chance that it may transfer a virus to your hard drive. So make it a habit to scan any external data storage device with your antivirus software before accessing any files on it. By the way, many antivirus programs offer the option to scan all external storage devices whenever a USB drive is plugged in, but it is better to double check.

Following all the tips above and always having your antivirus program update automatically should give you years of virus-free web surfing! The internet space can be a safe place when you’ve done everything you can to protect your PC from cyber threats.

Thank you for your time!

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