FileWhopper Blog

News and Perspectives from IT Experts
February 16, 2021

How to Fix FaceTime Not Working on an iPhone

Sometimes, you may find it difficult to join or start FaceTime audio or video calls. Or you may get cut off during a FaceTime call. That could be frustrating, especially when you’re unable to figure out why you’re experiencing the issues. Why Is FaceTime Not Working? Most times, an unstable internet connection makes FaceTime fail. […]

February 10, 2021

Online File Transfers: How to Avoid Data Leaks

Do you have a reliable solution for sharing different types of data? Have you ever questioned how secure Google Drive, OneDrive, or Dropbox is? For someone who transfers data, such as documents, photos, images, and videos, to friends, family, or co-workers, data safety should always be a concern. With file sharing gaining popularity, especially now […]

February 8, 2021

The Best Download Managers for Windows 10

There is no need to use a download manager when downloading documents, music, or most software programs. However, downloading large files via browsers can be a slow and frustrating process. When it comes to browser downloads, you don’t get fast download speeds most of the time, and even then, your downloads can fail at any […]

January 29, 2021

Easy Ways to Copy VHS Tapes to DVD

The beautiful thing about memories is that you can preserve them in videos and pictures. From precious graduation moments to births and memorable times with family, photos and videos make it easy to save what should never be forgotten. However, many storage mediums have a life span and do not last forever. That is why […]

January 28, 2021

How to Protect Your Webcam from Being Hacked

When you fail to be security conscious on the internet, you make it all too easy for hackers to spy on your activities or steal your data. That is why there are many scam and spam email stories where cybercriminals succeed in fooling the user into believing their webcam has been hacked. Nonetheless, if you […]

January 26, 2021

Streaming Software for Twitch: You Can’t Do Without These Programs

If you want your content to go live on Twitch in high quality, then you definitely need streaming software. Most streaming platforms allow you to stream live videos, interact with live viewers, receive payments, and do a lot more. The thing is, all streaming software offers the same basic features. However, some providers have unique […]

January 21, 2021

How to Get Rid of Bluetooth Problems in Windows 10

Microsoft regularly releases updates for Windows 10. They bring awesome changes and cool features that make the OS better than its predecessors. That said, while Windows 10 is as awesome as it gets, it is not perfect. It has its shortcomings, some of which include the Bluetooth tool failing to establish a connection to other […]

January 20, 2021

How to Create Your Own Emoji Online

This is the 21st century, and smartphones and PCs have created a world where messaging has grown to help us keep up with the fast pace of everyday life. Among the many changes in communication we have seen is the use of emojis, which now come in different shapes and sizes. These days, your messages, […]

January 19, 2021

How to Safely Share Files Online in 2021

It’s the 21st century, and digital technology has reshaped the way people communicate and share files. On any given day, the amount of digital data transferred over the internet is staggering. That said, sometimes, it’s quite difficult to find a reliable platform that can perform data transfers without any leaks or losses. In this digital […]