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How to Minimize the Security Risks of File Sharing

File-sharing services make our life much easier, but they also expose us to certain security risks.

The continual technological breakthroughs and advancements have left a significant impact on our lives. One of such breakthroughs is the appearance of online file-sharing options that make it easy to transfer large files without leaving the comfort of your home.

Despite the availability of numerous file-sharing options, users need to pay attention to the security risks associated with them and do their best to secure their files.

In this article, we will explore the security risks associated with file-sharing services, like OneDrive, Google Drive, etc. We will also introduce an alternative file-sharing option that addresses the security concerns related to online data transfers.

What Are the Security Risks That Come With Using Popular File-Sharing Services?

Although popular file-sharing services, like OneDrive, do provide a certain level of data protection, they have their share of security issues, and they are quite similar to those of the majority of cloud storage and file-sharing solutions on the market.

1. Password vulnerabilities

We all tend to use simple passwords – those that are relatively easy to recall. However, using a password that's easy to guess or crack, such as charles1234, 9834154, or Transportation, is a huge risk.

Hackers can easily decrypt such passwords and log into users’ accounts, getting access to data stored on OneDrive, Google Drive, or another file-sharing service.

Also, writing passwords down on sticky notes on your desktop or storing them as plain text in your files, among other things, exposes your account to attackers.

2. Compliance violations

Compliance policies demand that users set strict access controls (e.g. read-only) and grant access to only a definite number of people when sharing files. Failure to comply with these policies could lead to unwanted security concerns since many popular services, like OneDrive and Dropbox, sync all files to all connected devices.

For instance, when a user shares a file publicly and grants full access to it, other users can delete or modify the data, which may lead to a permanent and untraceable data loss. They can also corrupt the data if their PCs are infected with ransomware or other malware.

3. Outdated software

Using an outdated operating system or out-of-date applications, such as web browsers, media players, and other programs, that lack the latest security patches or bug fixes could compromise your account.

Usually, such applications have vulnerabilities that attackers can utilize to use privilege escalation flaws, access your account and exploit you.

4. Insecure connections

Users need to be very circumspect when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, especially if they have to sign into their accounts.

Why bother? It is because if your firewall is not configured correctly on a router, it exposes you to attackers who can use open ports and other vulnerabilities to infect your computer.

There are many threats to your data’s safety, so make sure you take measures to avoid them.

With this in mind, the right question to ask is, “What is the most effective way to keep my data safe?” or “How can I best minimize the risks mentioned above?" Resorting to offline file-sharing methods is certainly not an option; they are slow, stressful, and time-consuming.

Instead, you can use a file transfer service such as FileWhopper to safely share your files and folders. It provides advanced data protection in case someone gets unauthorized access to your account and is relatively easy to use. Besides, it does not require a monthly subscription, saving you from paying for unwanted services. Let's see more of its benefits.

FileWhopper is a great service for sending large files and folders securely

FileWhopper is a new file-sharing service created for sharing files and folders regardless of their type and size. It can quickly and securely transfer 5GB, 10GB, 1TB, or even 100TB files or folders with ease. To get started, register for the service, choose the folder or file you want to share, and start uploading after a few clicks.

The file-sharing service has a user-friendly interface, and unlike many other file-sharing options, it doesn’t bother you with ads; furthermore, it allows first-time users to transfer up to 5GB of data free of charge.

Is It Safe to Transfer Data with FileWhopper?

It is safe to transfer data with FileWhopper because it utilizes the latest technological advancements and implements zero-knowledge encryption.

1. Secure uploads and storage

You need to download and install a tiny app to use the service. The app encrypts the data you want to send on your computer and then uploads it to FileWhopper’s server. Once the transfer completes, the app deletes itself automatically.

The app doesn’t upload the password your data has been encrypted with to FileWhopper’s server, so there’s no need to bother about hackers intercepting or accessing your file or folder – they won’t be able to decrypt it without the password. Even the FileWhopper team cannot decode it since they have no access to your password.

2. Secure downloads and automatic data deletion

The moment you share the password and the download link with the recipient, they can start downloading the data. However, they have to download and install the FileWhopper app first to download the data to their computer from the server and decrypt it. Once the recipient successfully downloads the last bit of the encrypted data, the service deletes the file or folder from its server.

To sum up, when compared to many other popular file-sharing services, FileWhopper provides a much better level of security, and even if someone gets unauthorized access to your account, they won’t be able to decrypt any ongoing data transfers without knowing the corresponding passwords and they won’t get any information about your previous transfers except for the file and folder sizes and transfers costs. FileWhopper was designed to excel where most collaboration services failed, solving every security concern you might have.

With FileWhopper, you need not worry if your recipient shares the link with a third party after downloading your file or folder since you’re sure the service will have erased the data from the server. The service also doesn’t permit your recipient or a third party to modify or delete your copy of the data since it doesn’t have any syncing features.

Besides, you pay for each data transfer separately – that is, you don't have to pay for a monthly subscription like when using many other file-sharing services. You pay only when you need to use FileWhopper, meaning that if you don’t send anything, you don’t have to pay a penny.

However, it's essential to note that FileWhopper doesn’t provide any password recovery options. If you lose the password, there are no available options to reset or restore it. Consequently, the uploaded data becomes useless. But you need not worry; it won’t stay on the server for long.


Do you want to make the best of file sharing while minimizing the risks associated with it? If yes, FileWhopper is what can make that happen. Please leave a comment if you find this article helpful.

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