FileWhopper Blog
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Category: How to Share Files and Folders

July 25, 2024

How to Send Large and Multiple Files

When it comes to sharing large or multiple files, email often poses limitations due to attachment size restrictions and slower transfer speeds. As a reliable alternative, file transfer services offer a more efficient and streamlined solution for both personal and professional needs. Popular platforms like Dropbox, WeTransfer, and Google Drive have emerged as top choices, […]

December 2, 2022

File Sharing for Business vs Personal File Sharing Solutions

File sharing has become a central aspect of business. Having the right file sharing solution makes it easy for businesses to foster internal and external collaboration. File sharing has come to stay. Now that many companies allow remote working, file sharing has become super important in the workplace. From enabling easy collaboration with coworkers to […]

August 18, 2022

5 Best Fast & Free Apps for Large File Sharing Online

Nowadays, most of the work is done online. People use various devices to work on the document due to a lot of moving. One can start a project on their PC at the office, review it on their way home using a smartphone and then send to a colleague when they get on their laptop […]

January 19, 2021

How to Safely Share Files Online in 2021

It’s the 21st century, and digital technology has reshaped the way people communicate and share files. On any given day, the amount of digital data transferred over the internet is staggering. That said, sometimes, it’s quite difficult to find a reliable platform that can perform data transfers without any leaks or losses. In this digital […]

October 14, 2020

Ways of Sending Large Files Through Gmail Using Google Drive

Gmail allows users to attach and send files of up to 25MB in size. However, it’s impossible to email large files via the standard file attachment functionality. This means that the largest file you can email as an attachment in Gmail is 25 MB. The easiest way around this is to send the file as […]

September 14, 2020

New Great Feature Added to FileWhopper

If you’ve ever needed to send large files or folders over the web, you’ve probably heard of FileWhopper. And if you haven’t, I recommend you check the service out as it is probably the best way to send large files and folders online. The thing I like the most about it is that you get […]

August 11, 2020

FileWhopper vs. Cloud Storage Services

Sharing data online is one of the most in-demand services. From email clients to cloud services, there are a number of platforms that make it possible, each with its own advantages and limitations. 2020 and the unfortunate events that the year has brought along have only intensified the need for individuals and businesses to quickly […]

August 5, 2020

The Fastest File-Transfer Tools for Sending Large Files

About two decades ago, transferring large files was a costly venture. To transfer large amounts of data, you had to employ the services of a courier or look for cheaper (albeit longer) ways to deliver them. Cheaper ways meant using regular mail, and it took your data anywhere from days to weeks to reach its […]

July 9, 2020

The Best File-Sharing Services for Business in 2021

As many as 71% of individuals are working on teams that support remote work. With 31% of these respondents working for companies where all employees are permanent remote workers and 40% working for companies where half of the team members work remotely, it is clear that remote work is gaining a lot of popularity. Companies […]